Tailored Training

Tailored positive reinforcement dog training designed to meet you and your dog’s needs

Initial consultation $195

At our 60-90 minute initial consultation we have a detailed discussion about your dog’s needs, behaviours, your relationship and any struggles you and your dog are facing. We look at what kind of training plan is needed and how many training sessions are required. I use a mixture of enrichment ideas, operant conditioning training plans and brain-training games to provide a unique approach to reaching your goal for life with your pup. I provide any immediate environmental management tips that might be needed to take any pressure out of the situation and some games to help get your relationship back on the right track before we kick off with our training plan.

Many people only reach out to trainers when there is a problem they want to solve or an undesirable behaviour they would like to change. Here at The School Of Woof we turn this around and instead ask the question “What behaviours do we want to see?” How can we help our pups exhibit desired behaviours and make the right choices? And we understand that the trainer who will train your pup is YOU. We help empower you to train your pup by giving you the knowledge and the tools.

Examples of trained desirable behaviours can be anything from staying calm on a mat when visitors come over, keeping out of the way when you’re cooking, being polite around food, keeping 4 paws on the floor, saying please with a Sit, waiting patiently until being asked to come out the front door, walking on a loose lead when out on walks and coming when called.

Training Packages

Pricing is based on the number of sessions we will need to get you and your pup on track towards with your goals.

  • 3 week “Off We Go” training plan $335

    3 x 45 minute sessions either virtual or in person to teach or improve on any behaviours you would like to see more of and reduce any that are problematic. We show you some relationship building games and training to build trust and calmness as the foundation for a great relationship.

  • 5 week “Growing Behaviours” training plan $535

    5 x 45 minute training sessions either virtual or in person where we work together to implement a training plan and ensure there is continual progression towards goal behaviours.

  • 8 week “Dream Team” training plan $835

    8 x 45 minutes sessions either virtual or in person to tackle a few different struggles or training outcomes. We create a tailored training plan and ensure the practice is done and the levels are reached to move on to the next stage consistently so that your dog makes real progress.


  • How does virtual learning work? How will my dog learn if you’re not there to show me what to do?

    Ultimately you are the one who will be training your dog. If a trainer is showing you in person quite often you can fall back into old habits once they have left. At The School Of Woof, we show you how YOU can train your dog and see real improvements that YOU have achieved. Your trainer will be on screen and will demonstrate the training exercises with their own dog, watch you train your own dog and give feedback in real time. The benefits of this are that there isn’t a new person in your home changing the energy of the room, your dog is able to focus more on you with less distractions. However, I also offer in person services so if geography allows I will be more than happy to train in person.

  • I’ve never used Zoom before, is this a problem?

    We will provide all the help you need to get set up to take full advantage of your training. All you need is a computer, ipad or smart phone and a small amount of space around you to practice.

  • My dog has a lot of problems, I can’t think of any goal behaviours, just things I don’t want him to do!

    Your trainer will help you to see the situation from your dog’s perspective and work out how you can start working together rather than staying in bad habits mode.

  • My dog has many behavioural issues, I just want to help them

    Your trainer will be honest and supportive with you throughout the process. If it becomes clear that there are more complex issues at play or that any behavioural issues are unlikely to be improved through training alone, your trainer will refer you to a vet behaviourist.

  • My dog doesn’t have any problems, I just want to learn some cool behaviours

    Amazing! Have you looked at our clicker training course? It is the foundation for training for so many cool activities such as scent work, agility, tricks and so much more. If you have some specific goals in mind, let’s chat.

  • I’m time poor but I would love to train my dog! How do I train them if I don’t have time?

  • No problems, we work out how we can utilise the activities you currently do with your dog to adapt them to training activities. Any time you spend with your dog is an opportunity for training.

Learning together is the start of a world of possibilities

Learning together keeps your dog’s brain healthy and improves your bond.

Start a new relationship with your dog now.