Clicker Training Fundamentals course

Learn how to train your dog and teach your dog how to learn

01 — Theory of positive reinforcement dog training

First up we will cover the theory that underpins the science of how dogs learn so that you understand the process and can replicate it with new skills during this course and after. Clicker training is the basis for so many activities you can do with your dog from dog sports like agility to trick training, or even training for film and TV!

02 — Clicker mechanics

We learn and practice the physical coordination skills you need to communicate with your dog, and your dog will learn what your body language is telling them.

03 — Capturing and shaping behaviours

You will learn how to observe what your dog is doing right, how to capture that behaviour and tell them “YES! More of that please”! Your dog will become an active participant in training, eager to learn and repeat those behaviours.

04 — Putting behaviours on cue

You’ll learn how to put a behaviour on cue so that you can ask your dog to perform that behaviour and they will learn that good things happen when they do the behaviour so will be more likely to want to do it.

05 — Proofing behaviours

Dogs learn best when there are minimal distractions. But sometimes the skills we are teaching them are intended to be used in a distracting environment such as recall, loose lead walking, etc. You will learn how to set your dog up for success and how to prepare them for more distracting environments.

What are the benefits of taking this course?

  • Our training is one to one, not group learning

    Your trainer will be on screen and will demonstrate the training exercises with her own dog, watch you train your own dog and give feedback in real time.

  • Delivered via Zoom in the comfort of your own home

    All you need is a computer, ipad or smart phone and a small amount of space around you to practice.

  • Train at your own pace

    The training is delivered at a pace that you are comfortable with. No other students to try to keep up with and no pressure to learn faster than you are ready for.

  • Your dog can be any age

    This course is suitable for any dog - no dogs are too young or too old to start learning clicker training! Even dogs that are poorly or have a disability will benefit from it. You’ll be amazed how fast they pick it up and when the lightbulb moment happens it will feel so gratifying and really give your relationship a boost!

  • Many behavioural issues are improved by the process of learning to train

    Some dog behaviour can be seen as undesirable because it can be incompatible with our preferences and lifestyle such as barking, jumping up etc. Training certain behaviours helps your dog to understand how to behave so that we can live together harmoniously. Additionally, some behaviour issues can be prevented by teaching your dog how to be calm and to provide them with mental stimulation.

  • Tailored to your needs

    Why just learn how to train a particular behaviour? This course gives you a number of behaviours to train your dog to do while also giving you the skills to continue their training in other behaviours. It will leave you with the knowledge of how to train your dog anything they are physically capable of, so you can begin a lifelong love of learning together.

Price and duration

Our Clicker Training Fundamentals course is $675 and is a 6 week course of 45 minutes per week with email and phone support during this period. To get the most out of the course you will need to set aside about 20 minutes per day for training.

Learning together is the start of a world of possibilities

Learning together keeps your dog’s brain healthy and improves your bond.

Start a new relationship with your dog now.